Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Christian Vs. Christian Home - 862 Words
Growing up in a Christian home and then slowly departing from that teaching can be difficult for most Christians and more than a struggle for some. Yes, I’m certain that we are all aware that the bible says â€Å"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.†Proverbs 22:6. I’m not sure if I agree with that anymore. Why? Well, my parents raised me as a Christian. I went to church, not faithfully but I went majority of the time. I was in praise dancing and even went to bible study. Now it’s like every since I came to Olivet, I feel as if religion is forced upon me. I didn’t feel this way when I was younger. I’ve departed from giving God my full attention, attending church regularly, being a full-time Christian, and reading the bible. I believe in God, but something is missing. I want the freedom to know him, not the force. In â€Å"How to Read the Bible†by Kallistos Ware, he explained a lot of tremendous things. By a lot I mean how to encounter the full understanding what God has fully revealed to us that we possible haven’t seen. In those cases, how to recognize them. Not only that, but how to respond. It deliberates on our spiritual being understanding what God is saying. And by that I mean we wait on God to talk to our spirit. It says here by Kallistos that â€Å"As we read, we wait on the Spirit.†(Ware, 1). When I began reading this article, the first thing that came up in my mind is that this article is going to give me guidelines andShow MoreRelatedChristianity vs. Islam1148 Words  | 5 Pagesconversation with God. Christians and Muslims follow the Old Testament. While there is a paralleled beginning to the Holy Bible and the Quran, Islam views the text as corrupt and follows later writings by Mohammed. Christians simply refer to previous texts as the Old Testament, while Muslims call it Injil (Islam vs. Christianity). 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