Sunday, May 24, 2020
One Of The Greatest Poets - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1435 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/07/30 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: King Lear Essay William Shakespeare Essay Did you like this example? William Shakespeare one of the greatest poets was around during the renaissance. He was born on April 23rd 1564 and died April 23rd 1616 at the age of 52. He has wrote 37 plays and about 154 sonnets. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "One Of The Greatest Poets" essay for you Create order Shakespeare was born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, he was the third child out of six they would have. His father was a high placed official it was kind of like he was the mayor. Since shakespeares father was in that position, he got to go to school without having to play the tuition. At the age of 18 he was married to Anne Hathaway, they had three children together. Susan was the oldest judith and hamnet were twins. But unfortunately Hamnet died at the age of 11 the cause of his death is unknown. In shakespeares life there are seven years that have not been documented. The play was written from the legend in england. The play is kind of in the medieval times. The text is organized form the different parts of the play. The play consists of 5 parts and 3 scenes in total. Since its a play there is no chapters. While reading some scenes will go on with the previous or they will go to another place with different people leaving no part left out to where a person will get a better understanding. The plot/storyline would have to have something to do with how king lear disowned the daughter he actually really truly cared about, then his other kin try to get rid of him and he wanders around lost trying to find the daughter he disowned. But there is not just one plot to king lear there are multiple. Having one being someone trying to blame a death on a person when they were not in the area at the time. Another is is trying to take over a kingdom for their own needs. The play doesnt tell the reader exactly how much time is passed, but the reader can infer that it goes on to be 2 week or more which the play passes through. The beginning starts out with being in the palace of King Lear, with three characters talking about how king Lear felt about the Dukes. And it goes into asking gloucester that one other they were speaking to/about was his son. Having him say yes he is of my kin. The ending is when King lear passes away from the grief of his daughter dying. Also Kent and Albany talk about grieving for the losses that have just occured. The narrative POV of a play is called the dramatic point-of-view, or fly on the wall. They say this because its as if the narrator would be a fly on the wall only watching what takes play in that scene but could add no comment to whats going on. The whole play is written in a recent perspective. For the play the narrator is more observing. The play does not shift to different narrators,there is only one. The effect the author takes is that he does not leave any stone unturned and while you read you feel the emotions of the characters. The certain words that the author uses to where you can feel the emotions. It is as almost that you start to feel as you yourself are there. There is a lot of emotions that you can relate to and the feelings of having lost someone too. The purpose of this play would be so we could get a more complex understanding of emotions and the legend in history. Round characters : King lear- round, the king has two daughters more or so likes when they daughters practically worship him. Only really loves cordelia but got mad when she said she could not tell him how much she loved him. Dies from grieving for his daughter Cordelia at the end of the book. About in his late 50s. Cordelia- round, youngest of all three of Lears daughters, gets disowned because she wouldnt tell her father how much she loved him, was suppose to marry the price of france, he still weds her even without the money of getting for marrying her, marries her because supposedly he loves her, ends up getting executed at the end of the play. About at least 18 years old. Goneril- Round, the eldest of the daughters, she wants to rule and get the kingdom, has an affair even tho she is already married, is very jealous because her younger sister is loved by the king more, when her younger sister gets disowned and is told to leave she sees it as a way to start with her plan and try to take over the kingdom. One of the villains in the play. About in her late 30s early 40s. Regan- Round, the second eldest of the sisters, also having an affair with the same due her sister is doing, also married wants the guy all to herself though is very very jealous. Shes more concerned tho with over throwing her father to take over england as the ruler. One of the villains in the play. About 36 to 40 years old . Gloucester- Round, is the earl to the king, cheated on his wife to where he had a bastard son which makes him have a crime against adultery, does have a son that is with his wife, seems like a coward doesnt really know which of his sons he should actually trust, starts going down the wrong path, is the reason why king lear gets removed from the castle. At almost the end of play he starts to show that he is brave in some sorts of ways. About 55 years old or older. Edgar- Round, the real son of gloucester,takes on many different characters throughout the play. Despite having him portrayed as someone who believed his other brother that he was the one that did the crime, decides to be someone who ends up at the aid of his father and king lear, acts like hes a knight during a certain point in time, but being all these different characters you could qualify him as a whole lot of things and they dont really the real characteristics of him. About 26 years old. Flat characters Edmund- flat, A kind of villain in the play, hates that he is a bastard child and he hates his father wants to take everything that his dad has, does a lot of tricks towards people in the play that usually end up working, messes with a lot of the characters. About 21 years old. Kent- Flat, hes a noble that is very loyal to the king, even tho the king banishes him he disguises himself as a peasant, hes keeps on helping king lear throughout the play but gets in trouble a lot because hes very straight forward with everything he says and does. About 25 to at least 30 years old. Albany- Flat, very kind person has a great heart tries to expose his wife her sisters husband and her sister because of what they are trying to do, is tired of how his wife treats him so cruel, his allies are actually trying to work against him but he does not realize any of that until its way too late in the play to do anything about it. About 46 years old. Cornwall- Flat, hes a very bad man who is really mean and very very cruel to people, he helps with their plan to take the kingdom and rule over it, they are all trying to get king lear and his earl prosecuted for something they did no do at all. About 40 years old. The Fool- Flat, is the one who always talks to king lear , always trying to bring up the mood making jokes and new songs he can sing throughout the play is loyal to the king. About 16 years old. Oswald-Flat, obeys his mistress despite anything he gets told to do, he is more of like the manager to all of the servants in that household is very close to goneril is her servant. Kind of like a steward in a way. About 57 years old. The settings of this play takes place in England, mainly around Britain. To understand why it would take place here is also the fact that is is based off of a legend that happened to be in england. Usually Shakespeare would put the settings where it came from. But also shakespeare came from england so in a lot of the plays he had written he would base them off of it or the surrounding countries like Scotland.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Kerry James Marshall - Better Homes Better Gardens Free Essay Example, 5750 words
A group tried to start a whites-only bus service. There was also a wave of bombings. The homes of two black leaders, four Baptists churches, the People’s Service Station and Cab Stand, and the home of another black were all bombed. In addition, an unexploded bomb was found on King’s front porch. †2 Although none of these occurrences happened on Marshall’s own front door, they were nevertheless ever-present in the news and at home among the adults while Marshall was in his formative years. That small boys witnessed a part of this violence was captured in a note by Martin Luther King Jr. himself, â€Å"... [O]ne cold night a small Negro boy was seen warming his hands at a burning cross. †3 In the face of this increased violence and blatant segregation in spite of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, Marshall’s family decided to move to Los Angeles when he was only 8 years old, just in time to settle in before the outbreak of the famous Wat ts Riots of 1965. â€Å"In the rioting, which lasted five days, more than 34 people died, at least 1,000 were wounded, and an estimated $200 million in property was destroyed. We will write a custom essay sample on Kerry James Marshall - Better Homes Better Gardens or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now An estimated 35,000 African Americans took part in the riot, which required 16,000 National Guardsmen, county deputies and city police to put down. †4 Studies conducted following the riots revealed that, although officials had been under the impression that the riot had been started by people from outside the immediate area, most of those who had participated in the riot had lived in Watts for most of their lives and were acting out in anger against the all-white community for the segregation of the neighborhood. In discussing these issues, Marshall said, â€Å"You can’t be born in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1955 and grow up in South Central [Los Angeles] near the Black Panthers headquarters, and not feel like you’ve got some kind of social responsibility. You can’t move to Watts in 1963 and not speak about it. That determined a lot of where my work was going to go. †5 Marshall freely admits that he comes from an African-American family that did not greatly encourage him to continue his education following high school, a cultural trait that he sees as being very prevalent among black families such as his. â€Å"I came from a family where going to college was not encouraged, because it was never something that even came up in discussion. I came from a family who thought that you went to school until you got out of high school and then you got a job. I was the first person in my immediate family to go to college.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Carmen Free Essays
Movement, space and dynamics are used in Mat Ek’s work Carmen to portray the various characters throughout the piece and to determine their relationships therefore gaining a greater understanding of the characters and the narrative. Micaela (M) is a respectable and adequate woman who is loyal to her fiance but is always leading him and influencing his behavior in life. The first movement we see from M is at a low height with collapsing, repeated contractions which give us an initial idea of her silent presence amongst her fiance Don Jose while he is conversing with the other solider portraying the idea of her intimidation of other men. We will write a custom essay sample on Carmen or any similar topic only for you Order Now Her movements are curved in shape though still very forceful, sharp and have a punch like force about them which gives the idea she is conscience of Jose, giving his directions and guidelines of how the behave. She then progresses into a lot of sustaining movements, which she continuously motions upward, giving the impression and the resemblance of appreciation of life and her faithfulness toward Don Jose. Symbolism of a wish to have a child occurs at 0. 33 through the use of curved â€Å"cradle-like†motions which shows the couples desire to settle down and be a family. There is also a repetitive floor pattern as M often travels away from Don Jose but then travels directly back towards his representing her dedication and loyalty as she always returns to her fiance and also the idea of her constant presence. M’s dynamics then take a sudden change as she is not longer performing contracted, closed movements in a repetitive nature which portrayed her ideal feministic nature of being loyal and she now has a less controlled nature about her performing asymmetrical kicks and contrasting shapes as she seems to let loose the further she ventures away from Jose which symbolizes her soul connection to him as she always returns back. The duet performed by M and Don Jose see’s M return to her original circular, curved shape movements and we see Jose’s unison with her, always a step behind which gives a sense she is showing him the way. Both of their movements are free yet heavy and they have a curved shape about them implying the hidden control and tension between them but also the trance they set each other in as the appear slightly â€Å"playful†and always drawn upwards with high levels and strong gestures such as lifting M up at 1:39 and high suspension movements at 1:09 to the sky symbolizing the feeling of being content and happy. Jose’s continuous following of M and his placement in space of always being slightly behind M symbolizes his shyness and the controlling nature his fiance possesses over him. At 1:44 we see M and Jose linking arms with M pointing to the direction she wishes to head while Jose looks at her in admiration and awaiting her next gesture again portraying the idea of her leading and controlling power she has over him and his obedience to this power. As the group of female dancers come in we see a dramatic change in the dynamics and movements of the dance as in comparison to M, these dancers have a much more open body position about them with much greater use of the entire kinosphere of each individual. The use of multiple kicks and turns which take up a large amount of space around the dancer display their confidence and high self esteem. At 2:45 the girls perform a controlled turn as they have a strong posture and arm position with head titled towards the sky to convey a strong, open shape which further portrays the idea of the confidence and â€Å"teasing†nature they possess in the males presence. As the males and female perform a direct swap in sides we see the males perform loose, uncontrolled arm movements which shows the uncontrollable urge they have to go and â€Å"dance†with the girls and how crazy they females make them along with the back and forth floor pattern the girls create as they swap sides and they lead the boys in and then head back the other direction which also conveys the teasing nature of the females. At 3:12 the males perform a percussive movement as the floor pattern leads them towards the females which emphasizes their excitement, yet the fact they are giving into the females which comments on the power the women posses over the men. The floor pattern shows the males always behind and following in the females paths, almost repeating similar movements that the females do which further emphasizes the idea of the females controlling the males actions and the males chasing them. This idea is also finally show at 3:29 when the females run over the backs of the males showing their dominance and power over them. Escamillo, the confident and desired new man in town conveys the idea of his confidence and power over everyone in his dramatic entry at 3:39 as the first movement we see of him is a open, strong and angular jump travelling to stage front. This jump automatically gives us the idea of his superiority over everyone else. His movements are sharp and angular which the choreographer to convey his confident, powerful ersonality and his intriguing use of controlled and dramatic dynamics of movements. The final section performed by the girls shows a soften, less controlling side of them which is communicated by their use of curved, soft movements and powerless dynamics and motions and shows the idea of their admiration and lust toward Escamillo. In conclusion, the use of various dynamics, movement and space is used in the extract to portray the characters, thei r emotions and determine relationships and further enhance and gain a better understanding of the characters to overall convey the narrative. How to cite Carmen, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Case Customer free essay sample
Pick two of the values and explain how you think those values would influence the way employees do their work. ) Create fun and a little weirdness is one of the 10 Zappos’ values, I liked this corporate value a lot because in order for every employee to do his/her work in a good way, they have to have a little fun once in a while to make the work interesting and exciting for everyone, in this company they laugh at themselves every once in a while, and being a little weird requires being a little innovative, this way really bring success, and it’s a key to their survival, and also that way the employee does not feel that the work is boring, this value encourages people to think outside the box and be more innovative. This fun at work ends up being a win-win for everyone, employees are more engaged in the work that they do and the company as a whole becomes more innovative. b) Build open and honest relationship with communication is another corporate values; open and honest relationship is the key to develop emotional connections and it also build trust between the sellers and also between the employees. If there is trust, the company will accomplish much more than its expected. Trust make everyone in the company feel strong and success because when they are honest with their costumers, the costumers will come again and again and bring more people, at that moment all the employees will be happy because they do good relationship and build trust with their costumers. Also, to make the company grows, communication has to become more and more important because everyone needs to understand how his/her team connects to the big picture of what were trying to accomplish. And that how this value influence a lot on the employees work. 2) Using this list of corporate values and Exhibit 2-4 describe Zappos’ organizational culture. In which areas would you say that zappos’ culture is very high (or typical)? Explain. The area I would say that Zappos’ culture is very high in is stability and attention to detail because In the first one which is stability I saw in his 10 culture values that he was always tring to make every thing in his company feel good for the customer and also for the employees. For instance, hen he gave his employees extra food, or having fun with them once in a while to make them feel good about work and not to feel that this company is boring. The second one which I think that Zappos’ is very high in it; attention to detail, Hsieh was always looking to build trust between him and his costumer and his employees also, and he was always attention to every employee life and personality and they celebrate and embrace their diversity and each persons individuality. Hsieh wants people to express their personality in their work, so they can be more active and work better. ) How did Zappos’ corporate culture begin? Zappos corporate culture began with a guy who decided to buy a shoe online. Hsieh tried looking for his shoes online and was again unsuccessful. Although there were a lot of pop stores selling shoes online, what was interesting to Hsieh was that there was no major online retailer that specialized in shoes. So, since it was 1999 and anything seemed possible at that time, Hsieh decided to quit his day job and start an online shoe retailer and in that day, Zappos was born. Also His epiphany was the result of learning through research that companies serving customers with a higher purpose outperformed those that focused on market leadership and profitability in the long run. 4) How is Zappos’ corporate culture maintained? zappos corporate culture maintained with several things but the most important thing that Hsieh was very interesting about creating a great website selling shoes, he was caring about his business, therefore, he created an environment that is friendly, warm, exciting and build a positive team and family spirit. He believed in working hard and putting in the extra effort to get things done. In addition, he made sales at the beginning so people could know the website faster and make new customers. Hsieh tried to do something different that lead him to success, he tried to make Zappos different from a lot of other companies by being fun and being a little weird. He doesnt want to become one of those big companies that feel corporate and boring. His company culture is what makes the company successful, and in his team, they celebrate and embrace their diversity and each persons individuality. Hsieh wants people to express their personality in their work, so they can be more active and work better. 5) â€Å"The right culture with the right values will always produce the best organizational performance. †What do you think of this statement? Do you agree? Why or why not. Yes I agree with this statement because Tony Hsieh used very useful corporate values in his company to make it always successful. Also he treat his employees as one family and he gave them free food and create fun, and he always trying to have a strong relationship with them to allow them to accomplish much more than he would expected. Hsieh knows how to manage a business very good, he has the key for a lot of values to run a successful business. Also he is very honest with his customer and his employee so that way everyone will trust him, so by this way he will always be on the top and successful. 6) What could other companies learn from Tony Hsieh and Zappos’ experiences? Other companies should learn that Customer service is about making customers happy, company culture is about making employees happy, so let’s just simplify it and at the same time, amplify our vision for our customers, employees, and vendors. They have to learn from Hsieh because he introduced to positive psychology. So the team took a step back and looked at the science of happiness in order to develop the company’s next growth strategy, delivering happiness to the world. Also Hsieh said that happier employees lead to happier customers, and happier customers lead to better business overall, and that is true, and that is why he treated his employees as one big family. So all the companies should learn all the corporate values that Hsieh used to be successful in Zappos’.
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