Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Information Technology Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Data Technology Training - Essay Example In any business association, the center obligation of the administration is to guarantee the consistency of its partners' connections, to set up that the arranged yield can be accomplished with the arranged contributions of work, capital, and materials. For every one of these connections, there is a relating monetary stream. In this, the firm gets deals incomes from its client, makes installments for to its providers, meets its compensation bill and its assessment bills and pays an arrival to its financial specialists (Brancheau, Janz and Wetherbe, 1996). These are being totalled and summed up in the business esteem proclamations while the serious condition the connection between the firm and its adversaries decides how much the business worth can be made. The reason for any business methodology is to assembled a lot of connections which augment and address the issues of any industry and to limit issues. The converging of data innovation and the business methodology so as to guarantee development and seriousness of the organization is regularly called vital arrangement. This happens when the Information Technology the executives execution converged with the most basic procedures and center capability of the business association (Burn, 1993). At the point when both of these are being adjusted, the capacity of the Information Technology (IT) gets steady and amalgamated with the focal vital way of the association in general, which permits various partners to make a specific Information Technology connected business powers and hierarchical vital ways and headings. The vital arrangement of the business technique and the data innovation the executives isn't just hazard taking to the viability and productivity of the association to make a business esteem in utilizing Information innovation. The complexities of making business progress through expanded proficiency, viability and seriousness, joined with imaginative utilizations of IT, has increased the familiarity with both IT and business supervisors towards all the more deliberately arranged methodologies for arranging and the board (Luftman, Lewis and Oldach, 1993). Some examinations recommend that no business or corporate procedure is finished if there is no data frameworks methodology. For most firms it is the business technique that inexorably is reliant on, or made conceivable by, interest in proper data frameworks. For a few, be that as it may, the corporate technique might be connected near data frameworks, particularly if data innovation gives the foundation through which the uncompromising stances itself in its area or plans to enhance or coordinate into another division. Utilizing Information innovation in a business connotes various favorable circumstances and drawbacks. It is said that individuals are surviving a time in which associations inside industrialized social orders are encountering a productive development in the turn of events and arrangement of data and interchanges innovations. The improvement of an IT-methodology talk has in this way been halfway the aftereffect of innovation advancements. It additionally reflects anyway a progressively across the board concern
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Creativity and Bipolar Disorder Essay -- Bipolar Creative Creativity E
Imagination and Bipolar Disorder History has consistently held a spot for the distraught virtuoso, the thoughtful who, in an episode of euphoric intensity, runs through progressive thoughts, immeasurable to everyone, yet significant to the populace's development into a superior adjusted animal categories after some time. Is this connection among inventiveness and psychological instability one of happenstance, or are the two really related? Whenever related, does elevated innovative conduct change the mind's neurochemistry with the end goal that one turns out to be progressively inclined to a dysfunctional behavior like bipolar issue? Does bipolar confusion cause adjustments in neurochemistry in the cerebrum that expansion inventive conduct through raised limit with respect to thought and articulation? Is this connection the consequence of some third factor which causes both of the two impacts? Hundreds of years of writing and incalculable examinations have upheld solid cases relating innovativeness - especially in expressions of the human experience, music and writing - to bipolar confusion. Both innovativeness and bipolar issue can be ascribed to a hereditary inclination and ecological impacts. True to life considers, analytic and mental examinations and family reads give various angles to analyzing this relationship. A 1949 investigation of 113 German craftsmen, journalists, draftsmen, and writers was one of the first to attempt a broad, inside and out examination of the two specialists and their family members. Albeit 66% of the 113 specialists and authors were clairvoyantly ordinary, there were more suicides and crazy and hypochondriac people in the masterful gathering than could be normal in everyone, with the most elevated paces of mental anomaly found in artists (half) and performers (38%). (1) Many other comparable tests uncovered th... ...ay Redfield. Contacted with Fire. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993. 2) Journal of Memetics, an article tending to innovativeness, advancement and psychological instability. 3)Bipolar Disorder, an instructive asset about bipolar issue. 4) Manic-Depressive and Depressive Association of Boston, an article talking about the hereditary qualities of bipolar issue. 5) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, an online form of the asset book. 6) From Neurons to Neighborhoods, a book that tends to early advancement of the mind.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Happiness is 7 Ways to Increase Your Contentment and Well-Being
Happiness is… 7 Ways to Increase Your Contentment and Well-Being I have experienced a definite rise in my happiness level over the past year. I attribute it to personal growth work I’ve done, starting with the Transform! Training with Wright in Chicago, which I recommend to everyone. I attribute my increased sense of well-being to a new willingness to express my emotions honestly and with much less drama than I have in the past. I experience having more to talk about and less to be afraid of in relationships. I have more fun. I had judged my increased contentment as a purely personal phenomenon until I discovered that the entire world is getting happier! Flipping through the September issue of Success Magazine, I read that 71% of the world, according to the 2013 Gallup World Poll, reports experiencing positive emotions such as enjoyment, laughter, smiles, restfulness and respect; this number is up from 69% in 2012. Many people have written about happiness, and there is even a movie or two about it. Perhaps one of my first lessons in happiness came from the musical “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown†in the song “Happiness Is…†(Click here to listen on YouTube). Here are the lyrics (which for some reason skip over “Happiness is a warm puppy†â€" but we know that one is true too!) Happiness is finding a pencil. Pizza with sausage. Telling the time. Happiness is learning to whistle. Tying your shoe for the very first time. Happiness is playing the drum in your own school band. And happiness is walking hand in hand. Happiness is two kinds of ice cream. Knowing a secret. Climbing a tree. Happiness is five different crayons. Catching a firefly. Setting him free. Happiness is being alone every now and then. And happiness is coming home again. Happiness is morning and evening, Daytime and night time too. For happiness is anyone and anything at all that’s loved by you. Happiness is having a sister. Sharing a sandwich. Getting along. Happiness is singing together when the day is through, And happiness is those who sing with you. Happiness is morning and evening, daytime and nighttime too. For happiness is anyone and anything at all that’s loved by you. [spoken] You’re a good man, Charlie Brown Although others have sung that happiness is a warm gun, I prefer the child-like sentiment of the Charlie Brown characters. They understand that objects, situations and people can bring us happiness if we choose to have them bring us happiness. I’m encouraged that more people are enjoying life, and, I imagine, appreciating things both big and small. Happiness, according to Gallup, is a valuable indicator of social unrest. Syria, for instance, had a 46% happiness rating in 2012 and that number plummeted 10 percentage points in 2013 to reach the bottom of the list. I certainly don’t know what Syrians can do to increase their happiness levels; I imagine it’s a chicken or egg phenomenon, where unhappiness breeds unrest and unrest breeds unhappiness. But for those of us in the United States (78%), especially those of us who lead relatively peaceful lives, it’s worth taking a look at what we can do to make our lives more enjoyable. Happiness in the world of Charlie Brown is easy to come by. And I think it can be easy to come by for most of us. Here are some things I believe can lead us in the “more happiness†direction: Responsibly express a full range of emotions. When we can recognize our fear, anger, sadness, pain and joy, and share those with others, we become more connected as human beings. Emotions are something we can all understand. We need to take responsibility for our experiences as opposed to being dramatic about our anger, hurt and pain. And if we can find the right balance, our communications can become much more intimate and satisfying. Take risks. Taking risks makes me feel alive. I don’t mean jumping off cliffs or out of airplanes; I mean saying or doing something I would not normally say or do, even though I’m terrified. It can be as simple for me as asking for a discounted admission to a gym when I’m traveling, even though I “know†I won’t get it (I got $5 off a $15 entrance fee). Or asking men to dance with me at a local street festival (I had more fun than I ever did waiting for men to ask me!). These acts of challenge get my heart pumping almost as much as if I were about to jump off an actual cliff. Break rules. As a historical rule-follower, I find that breaking unspoken or sometimes explicit rules can make my life a lot more fun. I have rules like I should not speak until someone else does â€" but speaking first or interrupting someone often makes a greater contribution to a conversation than waiting silently. I have a “rule†that I should not tell someone something I don’t like about them â€" but when I tell them, they often explain their behavior to me or even change it on the spot, creating more intimacy and connection. I used to have a “rule†that I should go to every event at a conference, especially the meals. But at my last conference, I went to a yoga class during lunch one day, and I’m glad I did! I’m discovering that there are many opportunities on a daily basis to break rules that are not serving me, and I definitely feel happier doing things differently. Celebrate your victories. Martin Seligman, Ph.D., founder of the positive psychology movement, determined that people who wrote down their positive experiences before bedtime every day for a week, and analyzed why they went well, increased their happiness for six months! Simply taking time to reflect on three good things that happened during your day will help you sleep better and increase your overall sense of well-being. Trust people. Cynicism, defined as the “belief that self-interest is the main motivation for other people’s actions†leads to dementia and higher mortality rates, according to a study in Finland by Anna-Maija Tolppanen, Ph.D. Previous reports have linked cynicism to heart disease. So if you are a cynic, and if you want to be happier and healthier, it’s time to literally change your mind! Focus on positive meaning. Going through life, there are a lot of things to “do.†Shawn Achor, a Harvard-trained researcher and author of Before Happiness, says we experience up to three times higher levels of productivity in our business lives when we focus on feelings of accomplishment, helping people, social connection, or the thrill of a sale. I imagine the same goes for our social lives. Focus on the bigger picture and the positive goal, and that “to do†list becomes a happiness generator instead of a drag! Set yourself up to win. If you’re like me, you like to accomplish goals, as opposed to fail at meeting them. One big key to accomplishing more goals is making them achievable in the first place! There’s no reason to go for a big goal and not celebrate until you meet it. There are a LOT of steps along the way to getting there. So rather than setting a goal of clearing out an entire basement, start with a goal like emptying one bin or box a day. That way you get to celebrate every day when you empty that one container, and before you know it you will have a much cleaner basement! You can have multiple wins every day just because you say you’ve won. This list of ways to increase our happiness is by no means comprehensive, but it sure is a good start. Charlie Brown’s experience of happiness is completely attainable in the non-cartoon world, and I for one want to live in a world where the simple things create more happiness. If more people take steps toward happiness, will Gallup find another uptick in 2014? What makes me happy is to think that the numbers will keep climbing.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
One Of The Greatest Poets - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1435 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/07/30 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: King Lear Essay William Shakespeare Essay Did you like this example? William Shakespeare one of the greatest poets was around during the renaissance. He was born on April 23rd 1564 and died April 23rd 1616 at the age of 52. He has wrote 37 plays and about 154 sonnets. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "One Of The Greatest Poets" essay for you Create order Shakespeare was born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, he was the third child out of six they would have. His father was a high placed official it was kind of like he was the mayor. Since shakespeares father was in that position, he got to go to school without having to play the tuition. At the age of 18 he was married to Anne Hathaway, they had three children together. Susan was the oldest judith and hamnet were twins. But unfortunately Hamnet died at the age of 11 the cause of his death is unknown. In shakespeares life there are seven years that have not been documented. The play was written from the legend in england. The play is kind of in the medieval times. The text is organized form the different parts of the play. The play consists of 5 parts and 3 scenes in total. Since its a play there is no chapters. While reading some scenes will go on with the previous or they will go to another place with different people leaving no part left out to where a person will get a better understanding. The plot/storyline would have to have something to do with how king lear disowned the daughter he actually really truly cared about, then his other kin try to get rid of him and he wanders around lost trying to find the daughter he disowned. But there is not just one plot to king lear there are multiple. Having one being someone trying to blame a death on a person when they were not in the area at the time. Another is is trying to take over a kingdom for their own needs. The play doesnt tell the reader exactly how much time is passed, but the reader can infer that it goes on to be 2 week or more which the play passes through. The beginning starts out with being in the palace of King Lear, with three characters talking about how king Lear felt about the Dukes. And it goes into asking gloucester that one other they were speaking to/about was his son. Having him say yes he is of my kin. The ending is when King lear passes away from the grief of his daughter dying. Also Kent and Albany talk about grieving for the losses that have just occured. The narrative POV of a play is called the dramatic point-of-view, or fly on the wall. They say this because its as if the narrator would be a fly on the wall only watching what takes play in that scene but could add no comment to whats going on. The whole play is written in a recent perspective. For the play the narrator is more observing. The play does not shift to different narrators,there is only one. The effect the author takes is that he does not leave any stone unturned and while you read you feel the emotions of the characters. The certain words that the author uses to where you can feel the emotions. It is as almost that you start to feel as you yourself are there. There is a lot of emotions that you can relate to and the feelings of having lost someone too. The purpose of this play would be so we could get a more complex understanding of emotions and the legend in history. Round characters : King lear- round, the king has two daughters more or so likes when they daughters practically worship him. Only really loves cordelia but got mad when she said she could not tell him how much she loved him. Dies from grieving for his daughter Cordelia at the end of the book. About in his late 50s. Cordelia- round, youngest of all three of Lears daughters, gets disowned because she wouldnt tell her father how much she loved him, was suppose to marry the price of france, he still weds her even without the money of getting for marrying her, marries her because supposedly he loves her, ends up getting executed at the end of the play. About at least 18 years old. Goneril- Round, the eldest of the daughters, she wants to rule and get the kingdom, has an affair even tho she is already married, is very jealous because her younger sister is loved by the king more, when her younger sister gets disowned and is told to leave she sees it as a way to start with her plan and try to take over the kingdom. One of the villains in the play. About in her late 30s early 40s. Regan- Round, the second eldest of the sisters, also having an affair with the same due her sister is doing, also married wants the guy all to herself though is very very jealous. Shes more concerned tho with over throwing her father to take over england as the ruler. One of the villains in the play. About 36 to 40 years old . Gloucester- Round, is the earl to the king, cheated on his wife to where he had a bastard son which makes him have a crime against adultery, does have a son that is with his wife, seems like a coward doesnt really know which of his sons he should actually trust, starts going down the wrong path, is the reason why king lear gets removed from the castle. At almost the end of play he starts to show that he is brave in some sorts of ways. About 55 years old or older. Edgar- Round, the real son of gloucester,takes on many different characters throughout the play. Despite having him portrayed as someone who believed his other brother that he was the one that did the crime, decides to be someone who ends up at the aid of his father and king lear, acts like hes a knight during a certain point in time, but being all these different characters you could qualify him as a whole lot of things and they dont really the real characteristics of him. About 26 years old. Flat characters Edmund- flat, A kind of villain in the play, hates that he is a bastard child and he hates his father wants to take everything that his dad has, does a lot of tricks towards people in the play that usually end up working, messes with a lot of the characters. About 21 years old. Kent- Flat, hes a noble that is very loyal to the king, even tho the king banishes him he disguises himself as a peasant, hes keeps on helping king lear throughout the play but gets in trouble a lot because hes very straight forward with everything he says and does. About 25 to at least 30 years old. Albany- Flat, very kind person has a great heart tries to expose his wife her sisters husband and her sister because of what they are trying to do, is tired of how his wife treats him so cruel, his allies are actually trying to work against him but he does not realize any of that until its way too late in the play to do anything about it. About 46 years old. Cornwall- Flat, hes a very bad man who is really mean and very very cruel to people, he helps with their plan to take the kingdom and rule over it, they are all trying to get king lear and his earl prosecuted for something they did no do at all. About 40 years old. The Fool- Flat, is the one who always talks to king lear , always trying to bring up the mood making jokes and new songs he can sing throughout the play is loyal to the king. About 16 years old. Oswald-Flat, obeys his mistress despite anything he gets told to do, he is more of like the manager to all of the servants in that household is very close to goneril is her servant. Kind of like a steward in a way. About 57 years old. The settings of this play takes place in England, mainly around Britain. To understand why it would take place here is also the fact that is is based off of a legend that happened to be in england. Usually Shakespeare would put the settings where it came from. But also shakespeare came from england so in a lot of the plays he had written he would base them off of it or the surrounding countries like Scotland.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Kerry James Marshall - Better Homes Better Gardens Free Essay Example, 5750 words
A group tried to start a whites-only bus service. There was also a wave of bombings. The homes of two black leaders, four Baptists churches, the People’s Service Station and Cab Stand, and the home of another black were all bombed. In addition, an unexploded bomb was found on King’s front porch. †2 Although none of these occurrences happened on Marshall’s own front door, they were nevertheless ever-present in the news and at home among the adults while Marshall was in his formative years. That small boys witnessed a part of this violence was captured in a note by Martin Luther King Jr. himself, â€Å"... [O]ne cold night a small Negro boy was seen warming his hands at a burning cross. †3 In the face of this increased violence and blatant segregation in spite of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, Marshall’s family decided to move to Los Angeles when he was only 8 years old, just in time to settle in before the outbreak of the famous Wat ts Riots of 1965. â€Å"In the rioting, which lasted five days, more than 34 people died, at least 1,000 were wounded, and an estimated $200 million in property was destroyed. We will write a custom essay sample on Kerry James Marshall - Better Homes Better Gardens or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now An estimated 35,000 African Americans took part in the riot, which required 16,000 National Guardsmen, county deputies and city police to put down. †4 Studies conducted following the riots revealed that, although officials had been under the impression that the riot had been started by people from outside the immediate area, most of those who had participated in the riot had lived in Watts for most of their lives and were acting out in anger against the all-white community for the segregation of the neighborhood. In discussing these issues, Marshall said, â€Å"You can’t be born in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1955 and grow up in South Central [Los Angeles] near the Black Panthers headquarters, and not feel like you’ve got some kind of social responsibility. You can’t move to Watts in 1963 and not speak about it. That determined a lot of where my work was going to go. †5 Marshall freely admits that he comes from an African-American family that did not greatly encourage him to continue his education following high school, a cultural trait that he sees as being very prevalent among black families such as his. â€Å"I came from a family where going to college was not encouraged, because it was never something that even came up in discussion. I came from a family who thought that you went to school until you got out of high school and then you got a job. I was the first person in my immediate family to go to college.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Carmen Free Essays
Movement, space and dynamics are used in Mat Ek’s work Carmen to portray the various characters throughout the piece and to determine their relationships therefore gaining a greater understanding of the characters and the narrative. Micaela (M) is a respectable and adequate woman who is loyal to her fiance but is always leading him and influencing his behavior in life. The first movement we see from M is at a low height with collapsing, repeated contractions which give us an initial idea of her silent presence amongst her fiance Don Jose while he is conversing with the other solider portraying the idea of her intimidation of other men. We will write a custom essay sample on Carmen or any similar topic only for you Order Now Her movements are curved in shape though still very forceful, sharp and have a punch like force about them which gives the idea she is conscience of Jose, giving his directions and guidelines of how the behave. She then progresses into a lot of sustaining movements, which she continuously motions upward, giving the impression and the resemblance of appreciation of life and her faithfulness toward Don Jose. Symbolism of a wish to have a child occurs at 0. 33 through the use of curved â€Å"cradle-like†motions which shows the couples desire to settle down and be a family. There is also a repetitive floor pattern as M often travels away from Don Jose but then travels directly back towards his representing her dedication and loyalty as she always returns to her fiance and also the idea of her constant presence. M’s dynamics then take a sudden change as she is not longer performing contracted, closed movements in a repetitive nature which portrayed her ideal feministic nature of being loyal and she now has a less controlled nature about her performing asymmetrical kicks and contrasting shapes as she seems to let loose the further she ventures away from Jose which symbolizes her soul connection to him as she always returns back. The duet performed by M and Don Jose see’s M return to her original circular, curved shape movements and we see Jose’s unison with her, always a step behind which gives a sense she is showing him the way. Both of their movements are free yet heavy and they have a curved shape about them implying the hidden control and tension between them but also the trance they set each other in as the appear slightly â€Å"playful†and always drawn upwards with high levels and strong gestures such as lifting M up at 1:39 and high suspension movements at 1:09 to the sky symbolizing the feeling of being content and happy. Jose’s continuous following of M and his placement in space of always being slightly behind M symbolizes his shyness and the controlling nature his fiance possesses over him. At 1:44 we see M and Jose linking arms with M pointing to the direction she wishes to head while Jose looks at her in admiration and awaiting her next gesture again portraying the idea of her leading and controlling power she has over him and his obedience to this power. As the group of female dancers come in we see a dramatic change in the dynamics and movements of the dance as in comparison to M, these dancers have a much more open body position about them with much greater use of the entire kinosphere of each individual. The use of multiple kicks and turns which take up a large amount of space around the dancer display their confidence and high self esteem. At 2:45 the girls perform a controlled turn as they have a strong posture and arm position with head titled towards the sky to convey a strong, open shape which further portrays the idea of the confidence and â€Å"teasing†nature they possess in the males presence. As the males and female perform a direct swap in sides we see the males perform loose, uncontrolled arm movements which shows the uncontrollable urge they have to go and â€Å"dance†with the girls and how crazy they females make them along with the back and forth floor pattern the girls create as they swap sides and they lead the boys in and then head back the other direction which also conveys the teasing nature of the females. At 3:12 the males perform a percussive movement as the floor pattern leads them towards the females which emphasizes their excitement, yet the fact they are giving into the females which comments on the power the women posses over the men. The floor pattern shows the males always behind and following in the females paths, almost repeating similar movements that the females do which further emphasizes the idea of the females controlling the males actions and the males chasing them. This idea is also finally show at 3:29 when the females run over the backs of the males showing their dominance and power over them. Escamillo, the confident and desired new man in town conveys the idea of his confidence and power over everyone in his dramatic entry at 3:39 as the first movement we see of him is a open, strong and angular jump travelling to stage front. This jump automatically gives us the idea of his superiority over everyone else. His movements are sharp and angular which the choreographer to convey his confident, powerful ersonality and his intriguing use of controlled and dramatic dynamics of movements. The final section performed by the girls shows a soften, less controlling side of them which is communicated by their use of curved, soft movements and powerless dynamics and motions and shows the idea of their admiration and lust toward Escamillo. In conclusion, the use of various dynamics, movement and space is used in the extract to portray the characters, thei r emotions and determine relationships and further enhance and gain a better understanding of the characters to overall convey the narrative. How to cite Carmen, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Case Customer free essay sample
Pick two of the values and explain how you think those values would influence the way employees do their work. ) Create fun and a little weirdness is one of the 10 Zappos’ values, I liked this corporate value a lot because in order for every employee to do his/her work in a good way, they have to have a little fun once in a while to make the work interesting and exciting for everyone, in this company they laugh at themselves every once in a while, and being a little weird requires being a little innovative, this way really bring success, and it’s a key to their survival, and also that way the employee does not feel that the work is boring, this value encourages people to think outside the box and be more innovative. This fun at work ends up being a win-win for everyone, employees are more engaged in the work that they do and the company as a whole becomes more innovative. b) Build open and honest relationship with communication is another corporate values; open and honest relationship is the key to develop emotional connections and it also build trust between the sellers and also between the employees. If there is trust, the company will accomplish much more than its expected. Trust make everyone in the company feel strong and success because when they are honest with their costumers, the costumers will come again and again and bring more people, at that moment all the employees will be happy because they do good relationship and build trust with their costumers. Also, to make the company grows, communication has to become more and more important because everyone needs to understand how his/her team connects to the big picture of what were trying to accomplish. And that how this value influence a lot on the employees work. 2) Using this list of corporate values and Exhibit 2-4 describe Zappos’ organizational culture. In which areas would you say that zappos’ culture is very high (or typical)? Explain. The area I would say that Zappos’ culture is very high in is stability and attention to detail because In the first one which is stability I saw in his 10 culture values that he was always tring to make every thing in his company feel good for the customer and also for the employees. For instance, hen he gave his employees extra food, or having fun with them once in a while to make them feel good about work and not to feel that this company is boring. The second one which I think that Zappos’ is very high in it; attention to detail, Hsieh was always looking to build trust between him and his costumer and his employees also, and he was always attention to every employee life and personality and they celebrate and embrace their diversity and each persons individuality. Hsieh wants people to express their personality in their work, so they can be more active and work better. ) How did Zappos’ corporate culture begin? Zappos corporate culture began with a guy who decided to buy a shoe online. Hsieh tried looking for his shoes online and was again unsuccessful. Although there were a lot of pop stores selling shoes online, what was interesting to Hsieh was that there was no major online retailer that specialized in shoes. So, since it was 1999 and anything seemed possible at that time, Hsieh decided to quit his day job and start an online shoe retailer and in that day, Zappos was born. Also His epiphany was the result of learning through research that companies serving customers with a higher purpose outperformed those that focused on market leadership and profitability in the long run. 4) How is Zappos’ corporate culture maintained? zappos corporate culture maintained with several things but the most important thing that Hsieh was very interesting about creating a great website selling shoes, he was caring about his business, therefore, he created an environment that is friendly, warm, exciting and build a positive team and family spirit. He believed in working hard and putting in the extra effort to get things done. In addition, he made sales at the beginning so people could know the website faster and make new customers. Hsieh tried to do something different that lead him to success, he tried to make Zappos different from a lot of other companies by being fun and being a little weird. He doesnt want to become one of those big companies that feel corporate and boring. His company culture is what makes the company successful, and in his team, they celebrate and embrace their diversity and each persons individuality. Hsieh wants people to express their personality in their work, so they can be more active and work better. 5) â€Å"The right culture with the right values will always produce the best organizational performance. †What do you think of this statement? Do you agree? Why or why not. Yes I agree with this statement because Tony Hsieh used very useful corporate values in his company to make it always successful. Also he treat his employees as one family and he gave them free food and create fun, and he always trying to have a strong relationship with them to allow them to accomplish much more than he would expected. Hsieh knows how to manage a business very good, he has the key for a lot of values to run a successful business. Also he is very honest with his customer and his employee so that way everyone will trust him, so by this way he will always be on the top and successful. 6) What could other companies learn from Tony Hsieh and Zappos’ experiences? Other companies should learn that Customer service is about making customers happy, company culture is about making employees happy, so let’s just simplify it and at the same time, amplify our vision for our customers, employees, and vendors. They have to learn from Hsieh because he introduced to positive psychology. So the team took a step back and looked at the science of happiness in order to develop the company’s next growth strategy, delivering happiness to the world. Also Hsieh said that happier employees lead to happier customers, and happier customers lead to better business overall, and that is true, and that is why he treated his employees as one big family. So all the companies should learn all the corporate values that Hsieh used to be successful in Zappos’.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Terrorism in Israel and Palestine
Introduction The conflict between Israel and Palestine is the most important security issue the Middle East is facing. This conflict is related to the concept of Palestinian national identity. The Palestinians do not have a state of their own and they currently occupy the geographical area that constitutes Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip (Ghanem, 2013). The dominant Palestinian national goal is to establish an independent state in this geographical area.Advertising We will write a custom thesis sample on Terrorism in Israel and Palestine specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, the Palestinians have been unable to obtain their own state. In addition to this, they have suffered from Israel’s conquest and occupation of some of their territories. These issues have led to the perpetration of violent acts against the Israeli. In addition, the Israelis have engaged in state sponsored attacks against Palestinians. Each side is of the opinion that its use of violence against the other is justified. The conflict between Israel and Palestine has triggered the use of numerous radical warfare tactics. Both parties are guilty of practicing terrorist actions, making it difficult to classify who the actual terrorists are. History Origin of the Conflict in the Land of Israel Role of the British Government The defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War led to the establishment of British rule in Palestine. This was a crucial event since Palestine under British Mandate was a country separated from the Arab world and ruled over by a Christian power. Prominent Jewish leaders pushed for the support of Britain to help them establish a home in Palestine. This support was confirmed when the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs issued the Balfour Declaration in November 1917. This declaration affirmed British determination to assist the Jews to establish a national home for themselves in Palestin e. The Britain Mandate of Palestine acknowledged the Jewish people and recognized their ambition for statehood (Rowley Taylor, 2006). At the same time, the mandate refused to recognize the Palestinian Arabs as people even though they made up 90% of the population at the time of British occupation (Khalidi, 2007). In addition to this, Britain supported the Jewish Agency. Using this organization, the Jews were able to make a greater impact on the economy of Palestine. This provided them with better opportunities to buy more land in the region. This support further increased the animosity between the Jews and the Arabs in Palestine. Land for the Jewish people post World War 2 The need for a Jewish state emerged after the tumult of the 19th century Europe. This turmoil led to increased persecution and enforced isolation of the Jewish people by the rest of the society. Prominent Jewish individuals in Western Europe were forced to concede that the Jewish people could only achieve peace a nd true equality by creating their own nation. However, the feasibility of a Jewish State only started to emerge following the events of the Second World War.Advertising Looking for thesis on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This major war contributed to the influx of Jews into Palestine (Ghanem, 2013). Owing to the rise of the Nazis, thousands of Jews fled to Europe and sought refuge in Palestine. This immigration led to a rise in the number of Jews in the Middle East making it possible for them to achieve demographic parity with the majority of Arabs. Rowley and Taylor (2006) declare that the unwelcome influx of Jews from Europe between the mid 19th century and 1948 led to rising hostility from Palestinians and other Arabs. This initiated the Middle Eastern conflict that has continued relentlessly up to the present time. Bordering nations prejudice towards the Jewish people The Jewish people sought to esta blish a home in a region that was predominantly occupied by Arabs. The neighboring Arab states were not friendly to the Jews, whom they regarded as intruders who had come to forcefully occupy Palestine. For this reason, the Arabs used military means to try to obstruct the Jews from obtaining statehood (Ghanem, 2013). In retaliation, the Jews established the Haganah, a paramilitary organization which membership was open to all Jews in Palestine. This militia played a major role in the War of Independence and it continued to defend Israeli interests against the Arabs. The Arab states contributed to the Israeli-Palestine conflict by waging war against Israel in 1967. In this war, which took place in June, Israel decisively defeated the Arab states and proceeded to seize additional territory from the areas that constituted Palestine under the British Mandate (Shlaim, 1995). The West Bank and Gaza continue to be under Israeli military occupation since the Six-Day war of 1967. Role of the U.N. In 1947, the United Nations came up with partition plans aimed at creating two states in Palestine. Under General Assembly Resolution 181, the UN supposed to create a Jewish and an Arab state in Palestine. The Palestinians rejected this partition plan since they felt that they were historically entitled to all the land. On the other hand, the Jews accepted this partition resolution thus enabling the UN to establish the state of Israel. The Jewish settlers in Palestine hoped to expand their borders beyond those delineated by the UN resolution and between 1948 and 1949, they mobilized forces with the intention of seizing the whole of Palestine (Rowley Taylor, 2006). The UN was ineffective in preserving peace in the Middle East.Advertising We will write a custom thesis sample on Terrorism in Israel and Palestine specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In 1949, the UN volunteered to oversee the peaceful resolution of border disputes between Israelis and the Palestinians. Oren and Halevi (2003) note that the UN proved powerless to prevent terrorist activity between the two groups and this failure culminated in the 1956 Sinai War. Religion and politics Religion has played a critical role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and it contributed to most of the impasses encountered in an attempt to reach a workable solution to the issue. For the Palestinians, the establishment of a Jewish state in their traditional land was seen as a forceful intrusion on Islamic land. This is the reason why the Palestinians refused to recognize Israel as a nation when the UN presented the Partition Resolution in 1947. The neighboring Arab states also saw the formation of the State of Israel as a plot by the Christian West to undermine the dominance of Islam in the Middle East. On the other hand, the Jews assert that they have a historical right to occupy the land they currently own and the city of Jerusalem. Any attempts to remove th e outposts near the settlements in the West Bank have been met with resistance from Jewish Settlers. Clive (2003) asserts that these settlers are willing to engage in acts of violence concerning the issue of the Settlements not only against Palestinians but also against the state authorities. Politics have played a major role in how leaders act on both the Palestinian and the Israeli sides. Israeli citizens are opposed to any resolution of the conflict that does not guarantee their security. Tel Aviv has been opposed to any solution that gives Palestinians strategic lands therefore compromising Israeli national security. Subsequent Palestinian Authorities have pledged to confront individuals and organizations engaged in terror. However, these pledges have not been delivered on since most of the organizations carrying out terror attacks against Israel have the backing of majority of the Palestinian population. Palestinian leaders have little room for maneuver owing to the different a mbitions of the many Palestinian factions. Clive (2003) states that before any agreement with Israel can be met, Palestinian authorities have to â€Å"secure a ceasefire among all Palestinian factions and attempt to establish a modicum of coherence among the Palestinian body politic†(131).Advertising Looking for thesis on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Palestinian Leaders and Organizations The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded in 1964 and it emerged as the representative of Palestinian national aspirations following the defeat of the Arab states by Israel in the six-day war in 1967. While previously a weak umbrella organization of Palestinian factions and militias was in exile, this organization gained credibility by staging raids against Israel after the Six-Day War. The Party acquired great influence during the leadership of Yasser Arafat and it was involved in major peace talks including the Camp David Accords (Rane, 2009). The PLO lost its influence following the death of Yasser Arafat in 2004. A major political party that also has links to terrorism is Fatah. Founded by Yasser Arafat, this party has played a significant role in the revolutionary struggle of the Palestinians against Israeli occupation (Ghanem, 2013). In the past, the group used its military wing to engage in violent attacks against Israel. Ho wever, the party renounced violence and it is no longer considered as a terrorist movement. In the recent years, Hamas has emerged as the most dominant party in the Palestinian territories. This organization, which has a radical military wing, has had political victories in the Palestinian parliamentary elections. Hamas is committed to establishing a state for the Palestinians in the Middle East and it does not recognize the legitimacy of Israel. The rise of Hamas to power has been paralleled by harsh policy lines against the Palestinian Authority by Israel. Bar-Tal and Akiva (2006) document that Israel has carried out unilateral political programs aimed at undermining Hamas and encouraging the continuation of violence. Role Players and Soldiers Yasser Arafat was the most famous leader of the PLO and he took over leadership in 1969. Under his leadership, the PLO gained international prominence through acts of terrorism and militancy against Israel. These acts were perpetrated on beh alf of the Palestinian national cause. Arafat was viewed by Arabs as an important political leader who fought for the Palestinian national aspirations (Rane, 2009). However, to the Israelis Arafat was a terrorist who masterminded many attacks that led to colossal deaths and destructions in Israel. Mahmoud Abbas succeeded Yasser Arafat as the leader of the PLO and he assumed presidency of the State of Palestine in 2008. Abbas has played a crucial role in negotiations with Israel since he advocated for moderateness. However, Bar-Tal Akiva (2006) state that Abbas was considered to be weak since he did not control the armed groups and he has not made serious efforts to fight terrorism. Terrorist Attacks Naval blockades imposed by Israel have made it impossible for Palestinians to obtain heavy weaponry from the overseas. The destruction of the Palestinian Authority infrastructure has also prevented the Palestinians from forming a strong standing army. Palestinians have therefore engaged in small-scale terrorist attacks against Israel using weaponry smuggled from neighboring Arab states. Palestinians have carried out multiple terrorist attacks against Israel. Most of these attacks have been through rockets fired from Gaza to the streets of Israel. Over the decade, numerous Palestinian factions that promote the use of violence against Israel have emerged. Israeli and Palestinian authorities often call for a cease-fire when negotiations are being carried out between the two parties to try to achieve peace. However, the various Palestinian factions retain the freedom to engage in retaliatory action in response to Israeli transgression (Clive, 2003). Israeli Religious Violence The Jewish people believe that they have a right to occupy Israel. They have a religious attachment to the land since it is the land of their ancestors. The Israeli government is therefore unwilling to come to an agreement that will jeopardize its people or cause them to loss land. Bar-Tal and Ak iva (2006) confirm that the Israelis are not ready to achieve a solution that might give power to a Palestinian government that holds extremist views. For this reason, Israel has been opposed to Hamas, a party that endorses radical Islamic views. Leaders and Groups Yitzhak Rabin was an Israeli statesman who served two terms as the prime minister of the country. He was a member of the Haganah in the 1940s and he enlisted in the Israeli Army after independence. Yitzhak Rabin was involved in the Second Camp David talks, which aimed to end the conflict in the Middle East. A right-wing Israeli radicals who opposed to the agreement that Rabin was willing to make with the Palestinians assassinated this leader in 1995. A significant Israeli leader is Ariel Sharon, who served as Prime Minister from 2001 to 2006. Ariel played a role in the major Israeli wars including the Suez War, the Six-Day War and the Lebanon War of 1982. His skills as a strategist and a commander turned him into a legend in Israel. The Prime Minister’s move to withdraw Israeli Troops from the Gaza Strip was applauded by the international community but denounced by Right-Wing parties in Israel. Counter-terror policies or terrorist attacks Israel has reacted to the intense violence carried out by Palestinians with a number of military operations. Israeli security forces have destroyed much of the infrastructure built by the Palestinian Authorities and carried out counter attacks against Palestinian Gaza and the West Bank. In addition to large-scale military operations against Palestinians, Israel has sanctioned a policy of targeted assassinations against Palestinian leaders who are deemed a threat against Israel. Clive (2003) confirms that Tel Aviv has shown a preference for targeted assassinations against those deemed to be behind the worst atrocities perpetrated upon Israel’s streets. Conclusion The Israeli-Palestine conflict that began in the late 19th century continues to devastate the region to date. This paper is set out to show that each side has contributed to the violence witnessed. Peace has not been achieved in the region because of actions perpetrated by both the Israelis and the Palestinians. On their part, the Palestinians have engaged in armed violence against Israeli occupation and refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the state of Israel. On the other hand, Israeli security forces have continued to occupy Gaza and the West Bank and carry out counter attacks against Palestinian militants. These issues have made it impossible for a final-status peace agreement to be reached. As long as no agreement is reached, Israel and Palestine will continue to engage each other in a long-term low-level limited war. References Bar-Tal, D., Akiva, E. (2006). Why Israel Does Not Want to Negotiate. Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics Culture, 13 (2), 6-12. Clive, J. (2003). Terrorism, Liberation or Civil War? The Al-Aqsa Intifada. Civil Wars 6 (3), 129-137. Ghanem, A. (2013). Palestinian Nationalism: An Overview. Israel Studies, 18(2), 11-29. Khalidi, R. (2007). The war for Palestine: rewriting the history of 1948. Cambridge: Cambridge University. Oren, M., Halevi, K. (2003). Fantasy. New Republic, 229 (24), 19-22. Rane, H. (2009). Jihad, competing norms and the Israel Palestine impasse. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 63 (1), 41-63. Rowley, C.K., Taylor, J. (2006). The Israel and Palestine land settlement problem, 1948–2005: An analytical history. Public Choice, 128 (1), 77-90. Shlaim, A. (1995). The Debate about 1948. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 27(3): 287-304. This thesis on Terrorism in Israel and Palestine was written and submitted by user Joslyn Carver to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
On the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn essays
On the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn essays Huck is the narrator of this novel. He lives with the Widow Douglas, who wants to bring him up to be civilized. He hates civilization. Once his drunken father catches him, he feels happy with the free life style. But with increasing of his father beating him, he wants to escape. He achieves to get away from his father and starts his adventures. In this story, there is another important role, that is Jim, Miss Douglass slave, who also gets away. The two escapers live together and help each other during the adventures, and so they develop and pure friendship. At the end of the story, Huck is adopted by Toms aunt and Jim gets the freedom. In this story, Mississippi River is mentioned many times. When Huck tries to escape from his father, he finds a raft to float on this river. Every time when he falls in dangers, the river helps him out of danger. Also it is the river enable him t flee from the civilization. The life on the river is Hucks dream of life. Here, he doesnt have to learn to read and write, pray before having meals, do everything civilized. His father will never beat him and he doesnt have to fear anybody. He can do everything he wants to and nobody will criticize him and forbid him. On the raft, his faithful friend Jim takes good care of him. Jim is clever, he knows many knowledge of nature. From him, Huck learns many useful; and interesting things which he likes, contrary with the knowledge he learns in school. Sometimes Jim looks like his father more than a friend. He tries to help him out of danger and loves him. Not like widow Douglas, Jim let Huck have freedom, he has no rules for Huck to follow. On the contrary, on the land, he is astricted by the civilization. It is totally different from the life before he is adopted. Everything the adults regard as civilization is astriction in Hucks view. He feels unhappy. Even if going to the Hell after death, he would not like to be civilized...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
No Smoking Legislation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
No Smoking Legislation - Essay Example The designated locations for the display have similar characteristics, they all holds large number of persons. The legislation has some exceptions to particular business premises; the law allows the businesses to designate or allocate enclosed regions where their customers can smoke. No smoking legislation is effective in reducing health problems in the population (Ahn, 2012). Different countries globally have adopted the legislation after carrying out researches. There has been evident change in terms of health as a result of the ban; cases related with both active and passive smoking drastically reduced. Personally, I support the ban or no smoking legislation, with the bar it has reduced the number of children admitted as result of asthmatic attacks in hospital at both United States and United Kingdom (Carter, 2012). Children are the most victims of passive smoking in the society, hence, ban in public smoking will be an initiative to safeguard children’s and passive smokerâ €™s health. Statistics shows that before the ban, the percentage of children being admitted due to serious asthma attacks were increasing by 2.2% each year in United States. After the implementation of the no smoking legislation, the percentage of children admission accordingly to asthmatic attack reduced by 12.3% and there is further reduction by 3% annually. Other research conducted in Scotland and china had similar outcome, reflecting in the reduction of public health problem because of passive or active smoking. Therefore, on personal perspective, the ban on public smoking should continue to be implemented (Carter, 2012). Past and Current Cases Related To Ban There have been many cases that evolved after execution of no smoking in public policy, which are both positive and negative. On the past cases, after public ban, there was court petition at Ohio to stop implementation of the law. People who filed the petition were citizens and other business personalities. For the busi ness owners, they filled their petition citing that the law was invading on the business property rights, hence affecting their ability to generate income (Ahn, 2012). Citizen filed petition on the ground that it affect their personal life, thus citing that the law should either be amended or abolished. After implementation of the law, there has been imposition of fine to the public and private premises that violates the act. Many businesses have been taken to court after failing to abide to the law. In some of the past cases where bars at Ohio failed to respect laws; bars did not have posters on No smoking and it allowed its citizens to smoke in public. The magistrate fined the bars showing examples to other business to abide to the provided decree. After the attainment of ban in several parts globally, countries have gone further to abolish or prohibits advertisement of tobacco product. Some countries prohibited Tobacco Company to sponsor any sporting events. The ban of sponsorshi p and advertisement in the European Union (EU) in the year 2005 impelled formula one management to find other ways, which allows display of the livery or racing color of tobacco sponsorship (Gilleskie & Strumpf, 2000). These later led to some of the scheduled races to be cancelled in the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Rationalism and Empiricism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Rationalism and Empiricism - Essay Example It is about the psychological side that Pinker claims, "The past tense is the only case I know in which two great systems of Western thought (rationalism and empiricism) may be tested and compared on a single rich set of data, just like ordinary scientific hypotheses." But Searle argues among other things that the debate about the past tense is not a case in which "two great systems of Western thought (rationalism and empiricism) may be tested and compared on a single rich set of data." Searle argued that the features that make them "great systems of Western thought" are left unaffected by the discussion of the past tense. Their debate also included history, computation and information processing in relation to rationalism and empiricism where both thoughts oppose each other. The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy which Searle (in Pinker & Searle, 2002) thinks is standard, defines rationalism as the position that reason presides over other ways of acquiring knowledge, or that it is the unique path to knowledge. It is most often encountered as a view in epistemology, where it is traditionally contrasted with empiricism, the view that the senses are primary with respect to knowledge (Audi, 1999). Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that asks the question "How do we know what we know" (Epistemology n.d.). This is a nature/nurture debate then, with Rationalists going for nature and Empiricists going for nurture. Some scientists think that people behave as they do according to genetic predispositions or even "animal instincts." This is known as the "nature" theory of human behavior. Other scientists believe that people think and behave in certain ways because they are taught to do so. This is known as the "nurture" theory of human behavior (Powell, 2006). Plato and Descartes were famous Rationalists, John Stuart Mill and David Hume were famous Empiricists. The following can be said to be the levels by which rationalism and empiricism may be differentiated. DIFFERENCES Etymology and emphasis. According to Carlo Sini (2004), the name Rationalism obviously derives from the word 'rational' which goes back to the Latin, 'ratio' meaning 'calculation'. This in turn goes back to another Latin word, 'ratus', which is the past participle of 'reor', meaning "think', 'deem', 'judge'. What runs through all of these is the emphasis on mind, an emphasis connected with the word 'rational' as well: rationalise, rationality, and similar terms. 'Empiricism' derives from another English word, 'empiric', meaning, 'derived from experience.' The term "empirical" was originally used to refer to certain ancient Greek practitioners of medicine who rejected adherence to the dogmatic doctrines of the day, preferring instead to rely on the observation of phenomena as perceived in experience (Sini, 2004). The doctrine of empiricism was first made by John Locke in the 17th century. Locke argued that the mind is a tabula rasa ("clean slate" or "blank tablet"or" white paper") on which experiences leave their marks. To Locke, the mind is like
Monday, January 27, 2020
Compare and Contrast between Scientific School of Thought
Compare and Contrast between Scientific School of Thought Scientific school of management (also known as Taylorism or Taylor system) is a theory of management which analyzes synthesizes the processes of workflow, while improving labor efficiency. The theory as a whole was developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor between 1880s 1890s, was first published in many of his monographs such as Shop Management in 1905 The Principles of Scientific Management in 1911. He also believed that decisions which were based upon tradition rules of thumb should be replaced by procedures which are precise and were developed after careful study of a volunteer at work. The behavioral school of management thought was developed, because of weaknesses that were perceived in the assumptions formulated from the classical school. The classical school had emphasized on efficiency, process principles. Many people felt that this emphasis did not give any importance to any of the important aspects of life of an organization, particularly as it related to human behavior. Therefore, the behavioral school of management was mainly focused on trying to get the meaning of the factors which would affect human behavior at the workplace. As organizations developed became more complex, there aroused a need for systematic understanding of managing the overall process of getting things done through many other people. Management is combination of a vast spectrum of theories. Management is divided into two important divisions i.e. The classical school of thoughts the Neo-classical school of thoughts. Process of designing and maintain an environment in which individual working together in groups efficiently accomplish selected aims Management is an essential organ for all business organizations. Management consists of sires of interrelated functions which are performed by all managers. Management is a process of planning, organization, staffing, directing and controlling. So now we can say that management is a continuous process of interrelated functions of an organization in order to set basic goals which are to be performed for the existence of the company. Management is a complex activity .Management is an intangible force that cannot be seen but its presence can be felt in the way the organization functions. It is a group activity with different types of individuals getting together to achieve the organizational goals .Management is very dynamic .It operates in a changing environment .It adapts these changes so, that the business is able to maintain its competitiveness .Management ensures that the organization makes profit which is an incentive for continued successful operation of the enterprise. Management is essential for achieving the goals of an organization. The task of a manager is to give a common direction to the individual effort in achieving overall goals of the organization. Management aims at reducing cost increasing productivity. Management also operates in an ever changing environment. It has to make changes to adapt to face challenges that may come up in the future. Managers motivate and lead the individual in such a way so that he can achieve his personal individual goals or objectives. Management helps the development of society by providing good and durable quality products and service by creating an employment opportunity and adopting new technology. Fredrick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) is known as the father of scientific management. The disciplines given by Taylor became famous in their own way. Scientific management is the word or the phrase given to the principle practices which grew out of the work done by Taylor. The Four basic principles contributed by Taylor are given below:- (i) Scientific, not rule of thumb (ii)Harmony, not discord (iii) cooperation, not individualism (iv) development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency and prosperity. Therefore the scientific methods provide an understanding framework for the overview of the problems. It usually consists of defining the problem gathering data, analyzing the data, developing alternatives and the best alternatives. Taylor believed that the scientific method would provide a useful way to determine the most productive method to perform the work. Henri Fayol (1841-1925) was a French management theorist whose theories on scientific organization of labor were hugely influential in the end of the nineteenth century. Fayol graduated from the mining academy of St.Ethian in 1960. His theories dealt with the organization of production in the context of a competitive enterprise that has to control its production costs. Fayol was the first person to identify four functions of management-planning, organizing, directing controlling although his method was a bit different as in plan, organize, command, coordinate and control. According to Fayol all the activities done by an industry can be divided into technical; commercial; financial; security; accounting and managerial. Fayol even told that one should have the qualities possessed by a manager such as physical, moral, education, knowledge experience. He gave fourteen principles of management which are Division of work Authority responsibility Discipline Unity of command Unity of direction subordination of individual interest to general interest remuneration of employees centralization and decentralization scalar chain order equity stability of personnel initiative Spirit de corps. Max Weber (1864-1920) was a sociologist and a political economist who originated from Germany. The most notable organization was huge fully industrialized. They often included ongoing routine tasks that produced a variety of products. Tasks were standardized as much as they could. Max focused on dividing organizations into hierarchies, by establishing a strong line of authority control. He suggested that organizations should develop comprehensive detailed standard operating procedures for all tasks that are reutilized. Eventually unions government regulations reacted to the rather dehumanizing effects of these theories. Too much attention was given to individual their unique capabilities in the organization. Human resource departments were added to the organizations. The behavioral sciences played a major and an important role in helping to understand the needs of the workers as well as the needs of the organizations. The six major principles of Max Weber are A formal hierarchical structure Management by rules organization by functional specialty An up- focused or in-focused mission purposely impersonal Employment based on technical qualification. The classical or traditional thought of management was generally concerned with the structure the activities of a formal organization. The importance derived from the achievement of an effective efficient organization were seen to be the issues like the creation of a hierarchy of authority, the division of work, the span of control. The classical thought of management focuses on the efficiency or productivity and includes scientific, bureaucratic administrative management. The scientific approach requires many major principles in its application on management: Develops a science for each operation to replace opinion the rule-of-thumb. It suggests that workers should be scientifically selected and should be based on their qualifications trained to perform their jobs in the most optimistic manner. It advocates genuine cooperation between workers management based on mutual self-interest. Suggests that management should take full responsibility for planning the work that workers primary responsibility should be the achievement of managements plans. Scientific thought of management is a series of approaches which are aimed at improving the performance or efficiency of individual workers through the use of analytical procedures to lift workplace productivity. The system was developed by Fredrick Taylor (1856-1915), in the hope of providing the workplace with greater productivity efficiency, which in turn gave the individuals a whole better understanding of management. He defined his theory as the one best way for a job to be done .Scientific management had brought many improvements to productivity of an organization, which was much needed impressive. Highly repetitive jobs were re-designed, with a remarkable increase in output, which has contributed to the workplace greatly. Despite all the criticisms of Taylor`s work, his work is considered to be an essential study in management. By recruiting the best employees training them in the best useful way and also giving them satisfactory wages according to the up-to-date values can improve the stage of work and yield (productivity). This will certainly lead to an increase in the efficiency or productivity of business. We still rely on these ideas along with some of the aims of human relations theory which are flexibility, informal communication, and motivation. Both overlook the organizational excellence through increased efficiency. This can be achieved today by equally depending upon both the theories. Scientific management is very important, therefore, because it could raise the standard of living of all the countries by making workers more efficient productive adding their wages. Unlike the theorist of the human relation movement, the behavioral theorist engaged in objective research of human behavior movement in organization. They carefully attempted to keep their personal belief out of their work life. It has added the importance meaning to our understanding of power, conflict, organization. Our vote of thanks leads to all those who introduced these theories to the world. This is the conclusion for this project.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
A Girl with a Pearl Earring
Samantha Fain Dr. Elizabeth Wise CHM 165 3/15/2012 Book Report: Girl with a Pearl Earring The Girl with a Pearl Earring is a historical fictional novel about the famous painting created by the artist Johannes Vermeer. The story takes place in the 17th century in Delft, Holland. The novel chronicles the actions that led up to the painting of Girl with a Pearl Earring. The subject of the painting is a young girl named Griet, who goes to live with Johannes Vermeer’s family and be a second maid to their growing household. Vermeer really introduces Griet to the world of paint and even goes as far as to employ her as his assistant.Vermeer did not waste any time showing his new assistant, Griet, how to mix paints. Vermeer started off by sending Griet to pick up materials to grind up and make his paints. Vermeer showed Griet how to make paint by grinding up different materials with a muller. Griet finds she is not as quick as the artist, but Vermeer mentions that some materials are ea sier than others to grind. Griet often rubs the paste in between her fingers to check for consistency. Also, the finer the materials were ground, the brighter the colors. Vermeer often used linseed oil and white lead, and bones while creating his paints.Most things in everyday life are made up of many colors that the average person never takes the time to notice. Vermeer first explains this to Griet when he is pointing out the colors of the clouds. Many people would describe clouds as plain white, but Vermeer and Griet point out that many colors make up clouds and they are not pure white. Vermeer carries this thought throughout all his paintings. Vermeer focuses on great tones and hues in his painting making him stand apart from other artists of his time. Light is very important to the painting process, but Vermeer put a special focus on the way that light can affect paint.Vermeer’s studio was where he spent most of his time and it had to be just so. The windows were kept dir ty because the dirt buildup changed the amount of light in the room, and Vermeer was particular about how much light he let in. Vermeer’s paintings showed his knowledge of light because he used it to bring much realism to his work. The use of Camera obscura is another one of Vermeer’s techniques. A Camera obscura is an optical device that projects an image of its surroundings on a screen. Vermeer showed the Camera obscura to Griet and took the opportunity to get closer to her as they look through the small hole.The Camera obscura helps to see composition and color. Sometimes, a camera Obscura is used to trace the outline of the paint onto the canvas. All in all, Vermeer was an artist ahead of his time who employed many different painting techniques that were revolutionary at the time. By Vermeer taking on Griet as an assistant he introduced her to the world of paint and how it can affect people’s perceptions in everyday life. Griet never thought being a maid and assistant to Vermeer would lead to infamous painting that is called today’s Dutch Mona Lisa.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
New Product Development Essay
This literature review shall be reviewing journal articles that discuss the importance of the Fuzzy Front End Phase to the processes involving the development of new products. It would first give an overview of the role the Fuzzy Front End Phase has on new product development. The factors and characteristics of the said phase would also be presented to gain a better understanding of the topic at hand. Afterwards, it would review the different articles written about the topic using three perspectives: (1) organizational; (2) environmental; and finally, (3) individual. Of the aforementioned perspectives, this literature review would focus on the third one, the individual. A number of authors have recognized the important role that the fuzzy front end phase has on new product development (Ottenbacher, Shaw and Ermen 2006; Drexkler 2006). The study of Reid and Brenanti (2004) was one of the researches that give importance to the role of the fuzzy front end phase in ensuring the success of the whole process of new product development. In technology-based enterprises, transforming different forms of technologies into new products and processes is one of the greatest challenges. It is then within the said process of innovating these technologies that the early phase of the FFE (Fuzzy Front End) is said to have the greatest impact not just to the process but also to the result as it would significantly affect the design and the costs of the said project. Unfortunately however, this particular stage according to both Herstatt and Verworn (2004) is the least well-structured part of the whole innovation process, looking at both theory and practice. Herstatt and Verworn (2001), Kim and Wilemon (2002) and Kohn (2006) all recognize the fact that the competitive nature of today’s society are pushing for the development of innovative and unique products in a faster pace yet at a lesser cost. Manufacturing firms, without a doubt, are developing new products and it is because of this that they give so much importance to the New Product Development Processes. However, despite the tremendous focus to this particular stage, Herstatt and Verworn (2000) note that failure rates remain high. As a result, many researchers as well as practitioners within the manufacturing industry are in constant search of finding ways by which they could make the New Product Development Process successful. One of the greatest opportunities to improve the stage, as indicated by some of the researchers such as Herstatt and Verworn (2000) is through the fuzzy front end or the pre-development phase. Moreover, Herstatt and Verworn (2000) developed a causal model in order to pave the way for a better understanding of the fuzzy front end phase and its role in ensuring the success of new product development. Figure 1. The Four Important Front End Factors (Herstatt and Verworn 2000) Looking from the model presented above, one could see the four important front end factors that help in the improvement of communication and at the same time, reduce the deviations that the firms may encounter during the execution of their project. In the same manner, the factors could also help in increasing the efficiency and satisfaction of the research and development (R&D) managers with regard to the project. Herstatt and Verworn (2000) list the following as the factors that are very important to the fuzzy front end phase: (1) interdisciplinary idea generation and selection; (2) reduction of market uncertainty; (3) reduction of technical uncertainty; and finally, (4) intensity of initial planning. The first factor mentioned by Herstatt and Verworn (2000) was interdisciplinary idea generation and selection. According to the authors, this includes the process of incorporating different functions into the generation and selection of new product ideas. It is usually a combination of the identification of an organization’s need problem or opportunity together and the purpose they have in order to satisfy these. Afterwards, they go directly to the reduction of uncertainties since these are already usually present with the first factor. The second factor is the reduction of market uncertainty. According to Herstatt and Verworn (2000), this particular factor refers to the knowledge that organizations have about their target markets and customers as well as the needs of their users. Furthermore, Ottenbacher, Shaw and Ermen (2006) assert that this knowledge could help them understand the attractiveness of their new products based on the perspective of their market and how they could continuously develop the said product. Through the fuzzy front end phase, manufacturing firms that are involved in the development of new products are able to reduce the uncertainties of their projects. However, Herstatt and Verworn (2000) stress the need to look into technical uncertainties during the fuzzy front end phase rather than giving too much emphasis on the market. This is because of the fact that it is through this knowledge that they will be able to identify whether or not they have the necessary technology and requirements to make their projects feasible. Lastly, the factor initial planning must be considered in order to guarantee the success of new product development. According to the authors and developers of the causal model, this factor helps in translating the overall project goals into a series of activities, properly allocating the resources for each phase (Belliveau, Griffin and Somermeyer 2007; De Jong and Vermeulen 2006). Likewise, Koen et al (2001; 2002) views the fuzzy front end as a phase wherein a set of activities happen that are essential to the process of New Product Development or NPD. They describe these activities as something chaotic, unpredictable and unstructured, something that Kim and Wilemon (2002) concur with. Kim and Wilemon (2002) describes the FFE phase as something filled with fuzziness, ambiguity and uncertainty. In fact, stages are often performed in an environment where there are many unknown factors. In the same manner, the information to be used for decision making are rather more informal and approximate rather than quantitative, formal and precise. Fuzziness, for Kim and Wilemon (2002) usually comes out from a firm’s uncertainty regarding their technical capabilities in making a certain project or product feasible. It also comes from their lack of knowledge with regard to the requirements of their customers, their markets, the resources required of them, the ability of the company in pursuing this project, taking into consideration their capabilities and limits. Aside from being the phase wherein these uncertainties are identified, the fuzzy front end helps in the elimination of these risks in order to ensure the success of the next development processes. In summary, the fuzzy front end phase of product innovation is generally concerned with the development of certain concepts regarding the product that is essential to its innovation and development (Audretsch and Acs, 1991). The development of a clear product concept during the FFE stage allows the different enterprises to clearly understand factors essential to the development of products which include time, costs, required technical expertise, the formation of the right development team, market potential and positioning, risk and organizational fit. It generally helps in avoiding decisions that are costly and risky (Beck, et al. , n. d. ). Although it generally contributes to the successes of the whole process concerning new product development, the FFE stage is not spared from limitations and advantages. Processes involved in the fuzzy front end phase of product innovation generally face different delays especially those related with costs. During this particular phase, different activities are usually carried out during under different conditions. Unfortunately, there are barriers that exist in every situation, hampering the success of these activities. The following are the barriers to the FFE phase: (1) lack of vision, (2) lack of perceived urgency. (3) lack of formalization, (4) lack of effective project leadership, (4) ineffective communication processes and finally, (5) ineffective people conducting the work associated with the Fuzzy Front End phase of product innovation. The Fuzzy Front End Phase: An Environmental Perspective This part, as the heading implies would discuss the Fuzzy Front End Phase and its importance based on the environmental perspective. It would look into the views and researches conducted by scholars who had been long been respected in the field: (1) Herstatt and Verworn; (2) Khurana and Rosenthal; (3) Kim and Wilemon; (4) Reid and Brentani; (5) Koen; (6) Garcia and Calantone among others. According to Brentani and Reid (2004), the environmental perspective has been one of the most important approaches in studying fuzzy front end as an essential part of new product development and innovation. Brentani and Reid (2004) defines the environmental perspective as that which views three aspects (industry, institutional and country) as impacting innovation. The idea that the fuzzy front end involves processes of information gathering and adoption from the environment is based on the assumption that the environmental external to the firm is the primary source of new ideas for discontinuous innovations that even in-house ideas ultimately have some input from external sources (Brentani and Reid 2004). Eldredge and Gould (1972), on the other hand, note that according to the first perspective, innovation processes fail to continue because of certain phenomena affecting the environmental level. They further state that †¦ While organizational species change little during most of their history, random events can foster rapid speciation, thereby punctuating or interrupting this stability and resulting in concentrated periods of change and new paths of evolution. Authors who come from the environmental perspective of the fuzzy front end phase usually looks into innovation coming from a macro-level. The usually make use of the historical industrial analyses in order to examine the long-run nature and economic impact of failed innovations, Brentani and Reid (2004) mention. Furthermore, the environmental perspective promotes the idea that companies must be able to exhibit an advantage over the other members of the industry in order to stay alive despite the presence of a fierce competition. In order to establish this advantage, they must be able to produce products at a faster rate using technologies that only they have. Moreover, it is also due to this that firms are encouraged to first look into their environment of operation before actually proceeding on to the development of new products (Griffin, Hoffman, Price and Vojak 2007; Montoya-Weiss and O’Driscoll 2007). Because of this, firms once again innovate depending on what their environment requires of them. Quinn (1985, in Brentani and Reid 2004) says: Technology tends to advance through a series of random insights frequently triggered by gratuitous interactions between the discoverer and the outside world. These interactions provide the new combinations of old elements. . . The accelerated world of today demands manufacturing firms to be more competent in terms of the production of new products and at the same time, speed up their development processes (Griffiths-Hemans and Grover 2006; Zhang, Lim, Cao 2004). All organizations nowadays have recognized the importance of innovation in order to become successful today, tomorrow and in the near future (Resources for Success 2006). However, new product development for technologically advanced industries is facing many difficulties and uncertainties. Furthermore, the environment perspective of analyzing the fuzzy front end phase of new product development must also pay attention to what kind of products that a manufacturing firm must be able to produce. The study of Koen (2006) will be presented towards the latter part of this section that could give a better understanding of the different kinds of products and the appropriate FFE process that could be used for this. Garcia and Calantone (2002) and Broring and Leker (2007), on the other hand, note that the different strategies being used by the manufacturing firms must be positively related with their organizational structure which must then be patterned after the competitive environment of the industry to which they belong to. Brentani and Reid (2004) further states that in order to understand the fuzzy front end phase using this perspective, one must understand that the environment plays a very important role in the decisions made by individuals who are exposed to early information regarding technology. It is because of this that Kim and Wilemon (2002) give importance to the introduction of technologically challenging products at the right time as one of the so-called success factor for firms living in today’s world wherein innovation becomes more important. An example of this would be companies that are being threatened by a situation wherein a competitor is on the verge of taking away its business due to the introduction of a new product. Failure to respond to the competitor’s action could mean the loss of a certain firm’s market share and profits. Undoubtedly, the importance of the fuzzy front end phase is once again highlighted. Kim and Wilemon (n. d. ) concur with the claims of various researchers that the fuzzy front end phase is a topic that is usually neglected in the literature discussing new product development. This is because of the fact that scholars would usually focus on the efficiency of the firms’ processes rather than examining the fuzzy front end phase which is said to be important in cutting down cycle time. Thus, the said phase is given much importance in terms of its ability to make a critical contribution to the success of new products (Weissenberger-Eibl and Koch 2007). According to Kim and Wilemon (n. d. ), the following are the prime goals that are usually addressed in the fuzzy front end phase: (1) selecting the right opportunity; (2) producing a well-defined product concept; and finally, (3) clarifying customer and project requirements before the actual development of the new product. It is then because of this that developers who are well experienced in the entire process are becoming more attracted to investing considerable time and money in this stage to ensure that the project is feasible. Kohn (2006) shares the same view with Kim and Wilemon (2002). According to the said author, for members of the mature industries that are exposed to fierce competition, the processes regarding new product development gains tremendous importance. This is due to the fact that they are in faced with challenges of producing new, unique products at a shorter period of time and at lower costs. However, the new product development process fails to guarantee the firms as it is said to cause both time delays and substantial increases in cost. As a result, more and more researchers are giving more importance to an early phase where the functions and other factors related to the development of new products would be examined and analyzed. Khurana and Rosenthal (1997) also mentioned some of these factors in their discussion of the fuzzy front end process in order to give an in depth analysis on how this could help in ensuring the success of new product development. All the activities included in the fuzzy front end phase of product development are individual activities which are logically related to each other. The description provided for the process should be analyzed based on concepts such as product ideas, market analysis and technology options. Because of this, it is but proper to understand the relationships that exist between the different activities involved in the fuzzy front end phase of product development. The main focus should be placed on product strategy and portfolio plans. Focusing on these two would ensure that the development of the product jives with that of the capabilities and competencies of the companies developing them yet at the same time, recognizing limitations such as roles, communications and finally, culture. The aforementioned elements thus can be seen as having played very important roles as they serve as preconditions or foundations for the many activities that a certain enterprise would undergo as part of their new product development process. As a result, companies implemented a phase-review management system to define and serve as guidance for these project-specific activities (Wycoff, 2003). Companies usually begin working on new product opportunities, usually referred to as pre-phase zero when they begin to see an opportunity for their businesses. If they see that the exploration for this opportunity could be beneficial to their businesses, they then assign a small group which may or may not include suppliers to join forces in the development of the product’s concept and definition (this is where phase zero then begins). Phase one immediately happens after phase zero. It is in this particular phase wherein the enterprises examine the feasibility of their project (at the business and technical level). It is also in this particular phase wherein these companies start preparing and planning for their NPD (new product development) project. The development team then identifies the new product, how it could be developed and the rationale for the business proceeding behind it. The fuzzy front end phase then ends upon the completion of this phase wherein the team presents the business case and the business units involve would then choose between the commitment to fund, staff and launch the project or kill it (Montoya-Weiss and O’Driscoll 2007). Khurana and Rosenthal (1997) also give importance to activities which are product-specific and must be present during the fuzzy front end phase. Product-specific front-end activities are essential in making product concepts clear. At the same time, it also gives specific definitions to both product and market requirements; it also aids in the development of plans, schedules and estimates how much resources does one product need. However, the limiting factor that is associated with these elements is the fact that they could not create detailed designs and other specifications for the product and its other parts (Broring and Leker 2007). Generally, Khurana and Rosenthal (1997) defines product concept as one of the basic steps wherein (1) customer needs, (2) market segments, (3) competitive situations, (4) business prospects and (5) alignment with existing business and technology plans are identified. Studies made states that the different product concepts must be clearly defined so that the managers could identify the opportunities that could be beneficial for their companies. They must be able to identify and understand what their consumers need and at the same time, recognize the available technologies and applications that they could use in satisfying these wants and needs. In illustrating intangible products, one could sketch a three-dimensional of such products to be able to understand and identify the wants and needs of the consumers. Herstatt and Verworn (2000) also recognize the presence of these factors as a vital part of the causal model they developed in order to understand the fuzzy front end phase as an essential aspect of the new product development process. As seen from the aforementioned discussion, Herstatt and Verworn adopted the factors of the fuzzy front end phase as presented by Khurana and Rosenthal (1997). According to the authors, these factors are an essential part of the fuzzy front end phase in order to ensure the success of New Product Development. Basically, the identification of these would help the companies pinpoint their needs as an organization and the manner by which these could be achieved. In this manner, they will be able to identify the product that they have to produce in order to stay alive despite being in the midst of competition. Aside from this, the fuzzy front end phase also helps organizations in determining their market and technical uncertainties. This would help them understand their target markets, their customers and their needs, the potential of their products vis-a-vis the market, and finally, the attractiveness of their product when introduced to the market. On the other hand, it could also give them a better understanding of the capabilities and limitations they have as a company. This is because both market pull and technology push are becoming more important to recent times. Traditionally, most products were distinguished as either driven by the customer (or markets), also known as market pull or affected by recent technological advancements, also referred to as technology push. Bretani and Reid (2004) stresses on this matter by identifying two kinds of technology: (1) generic technologies and (2) application technologies. Generic technologies are defined as those required to manufacture the products and are held widely by all participants that get involved in the industry. On the other hand, application technologies are those that distinguish the organization from the competition and that are developed systematically within the firm building on generic technologies.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Notes On Charles Orwell s The Hell - 1346 Words
Dianne Lam 1328 words 9100 St. Charles Rock Road St. Louis, MO 63114 (314) 493-6100 Hostage: Part 1 by Dianne Lam It’s 11:15 P.M. on a humid, Thursday night. My group of friends are sitting in my basement, brainstorming on what to do to pass time. As everyone is rambling on, I glance over at Don, who’s isolated himself outside the circle to scroll along his phone. We begin yelling at each other and getting furious with the emptiness coming to our minds; then Don looks up and whispers, â€Å"What about Hostage?†We all glance around at each other, seeing if someone could explain what just happened.†¦show more content†¦Stone cold. Don knows what he’s gotten everyone into, and so do I. He tries to make it more enjoyable; so, he slaps on a smile and continues on with the rules. â€Å"Once you have dropped off your hostage, someone from each team, who is not the driver, will call each other and give them a vague hint as to where the other team member is. Such as saying, ‘Bow and Arrow ’ if you drop them off at Target. After that, it’s completely up to the other team to find them within 3 hours.†A moment of silence occurred until Clark exclaimed, â€Å"I’m down! Let’s get this game going!†Everyone was super excited and pumped to play, until the dreadful question came along, †Who wants to be the hostage?†asked Don. Crickets. No one said a word. â€Å"Okay then, I guess I will be for my team†uttered Don. Janet squeals at Clark, â€Å"Come on, big shot! Be a man and sacrifice yourself!†Shaking at the thought of it, Clark agrees. As the teams begin for the adventure they’re about to embark on, Don says one final thing, â€Å"Oh yeah! As a hostage, you must follow the three simple rules. You must stay in the location that you were dropped off at. You must stay outside so that your team can easily spot you. And most importantly, no phones.†Pissed as ever, Clark yells, â€Å"What if something goes wrong? You want me to die? Nothing’s going to happen.†Don chuckles, â€Å"Why do you think we don’t let the girls be the hostages?†Clark shrugs in agreement and they both toss their phones on the basement
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